Hybrid Program Invitation

95% Done-For-You

Only one spot available

Here’s my invitation to you:

Over the next 16 weeks, we will install an Evergreen Mini-Course funnel in your business…

So you can get sales 24/7 even when you sleep, while creating brand new clients for your premium offer and liquidating most of your acquisition cost day-1.

If you’re an expert coach, consultant, or service provider, chances are you don’t have time for the tech stuff. Funnels, ads, copywriting - it’s not what you’re here for.

You’re here to help your clients, and I’m here to help you get them.

This program is designed to take all that off your plate, so you can focus on what you do best.

We’ll help you:

  • Book 2–4 calls per week with high-quality prospects, not freebie seekers.

  • If you prefer not to sell on calls, this system allows you to enroll people through chat and simple Google Docs - no sales calls required.

  • Recoup 50-75% (even up to 100%) of your ad spend, or even all of it, so your client acquisition costs drop fast.

  • Build a high-converting funnel using a template I’ve personally tested with over $100K of my own ad spend and millions in client spend.

You won’t be:

  • Wasting money running ads to “free lead magnets” that attract non-buyers who never purchase

  • Stuffing your calendar with 1:1 calls that keep you glued to your computer all day

  • Relying on referrals

  • Burning out creating content for YouTube videos, podcasts, lead magnets, Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn

  • Hiring a team that eats up all your profits

  • Feeling like your business is running YOU, instead of being in control of your business

  • Being stuck fulfilling time-consuming services

  • Feeling trapped in a business that no longer serves you and doesn’t align with your lifestyle

  • Having to work nights and weekends

  • Burning yourself out by taking on every client who comes your way

  • Not having any time to enjoy your hobbies, travel, or spend time with your friends and family

  • Staring at the ads manager 8 hours a day and being afraid to touch your ad account

Step 1: The Perfect Mini-Course Funnel

We will start by hopping on a Kickoff Call together, just you and I.

In just 60 minutes, we’ll get crystal clear on your goals and where you want to go. Hitting $30k months should be one of them.

We’re going to use our Stand-Out systems and SOPs to map out the exact mini-course funnel that’s going to attract the right people - your ideal prospects.

I’ll interview you to:

  • Nail down your core offer - What’s the biggest pain point your ideal client has right now? How can you create a simple solution to get them quick results?

  • Map out the perfect mini-course structure - I’ll help you take your expertise and break it down into a step-by-step process that positions you as the go-to expert and naturally leads to your high-ticket offer.

  • Identify key bonuses - To pre-emptively address any potential objections your buyers might have, before they even come up.

  • Validate the funnel concept - We’ll make sure the idea resonates with your audience so that when we launch, people buy.

This means that by the time we start building the funnel, we’re already set up for success with the right offer in place.

Step 2: We Build Your Funnel (1 Month)

We’ll get it set up in 30 days. We’ll start with the sales page, and we’ll send things over for you to review step-by-step so we’re always on the same page.

  • We will build and design your mini-course funnel using our high-converting funnel template we've perfected with over $100K of my own money and millions in client ad spend.

  • We write all your copy for you:

    ✅ Long-form sales page

    ✅ Book-a-call upsell page + video

    ✅ Course upsell pages (up to 2)

    ✅ Thank you page

    ✅ Facebook ads (3 to start)

    ✅ Abandoned cart emails (4)

    ✅ 7-day book-a-call sequence after purchase

  • We design all the images, mockups, and diagrams so your funnel has a premium feel and reflects your branding.

  • We design your Facebook Image Ads for rapid testing and improvement.

  • We set up Google Analytics 4, Meta Pixel, and Conversions API to make sure your data is clean. It’s the most accurate tracking I’ve seen, and I’ve been doing this since 2016.

  • We’ll build everything in a GoHighLevel sub-account we create for you (which I cover for the duration of our work together). After that, it’s just $97/mo - way cheaper than piecing together multiple platforms. And don’t worry, we handle all the setup for you.

Step 3: After the Funnel Build is Completed (3 Months)

Once the funnel is built, we jump on a 1:1 Zoom call to launch your ads together.

During this call, I’ll also ask for access to your ad account so we can monitor the metrics from our end and make sure everything’s set up perfectly.

You’ll get:

  • A private Slack channel where you can shoot over any questions Monday through Friday. Quick questions, feedback - whatever you need.

  • Zoom calls with my team to review your ad data and optimize everything. We’ll go over performance, and my team and I will give you suggestions to improve the funnel.

    ✅ 1 week after launch

    ✅ 2 weeks after launch

    ✅ 4 weeks after launch

    ✅ 8 weeks after launch

    ✅ At the end of the 3 months, we’ll do a final review, set your strategy for the next quarter, and make sure you’re ready to keep scaling.

  • Metrics reviews every month by me and my marketing team. We’ll dive into the numbers and tell you exactly what’s working and what needs adjusting. You’ll get a Google doc with clear action steps for you to implement.

On top of that, you’ll get access to our private Facebook group - a space just for our clients - plus two weekly calls to help you stay on track:

  • Wednesdays at 7pm EST

  • Thursdays at 12:30pm Sydney time

Here is the timeline:


I’ve spent over 8 years of my life learning what I know today.

Over 100 months, to be exact.

On the conservative side, I’ve spent more than 16,000 hours practicing, refining, and perfecting what works in this industry.

Let’s say it takes you just 5% of this time to get where you want to be—that’s 800 hours.

At $100/hour, you’re looking at $80,000 in opportunity cost.

If it takes you 10%, that goes up to $160,000.

What I’m offering here is a way for you to skip that learning curve and not spend even 800 hours making the same mistakes I did…

Instead… You can tap into my expertise and go straight to what works.

If you’d like to know the current details of this program, please use the link below to apply.

If we think we can help you, we’ll hop on a call with you to map out a personalized strategy for your business.

We’ll walk you through the details, answer any questions, and see if this system is the right fit for your business.

🔗 Application Form Link.

We accept a limited number of clients for this program and right now, we have just one spot available.

If you have questions…

If you have any questions, feel free to drop me a line at [email protected].

How do I claim this one spot?

If you’ve read everything above and want to know the details...

Please apply below:

🔗 Application Form Link.

We only have one spot available.

So I need to know - should I save it for you?

- Tomasz


How long until I see results?

We’ll have your funnel up in 30 days, and within 4-6 weeks from launch, you should start engaging with higher-intent buyers through chat or email.

The goal is to secure 2-4 high-quality conversations (calls or G Doc leads) each week. With our approach, you’ll also be recouping most of your ad spend from the start, so you're not burning cash while waiting for results.

Is this funnel guaranteed to work for my business?

We’ve built and optimized this funnel structure for clients in a wide range of industries, generating millions of dollars in high-ticket sales.

We have experience in the following niches:

✅ Making music

✅ Weight loss

✅ Strengthening core muscles

✅ Pelvic floor exercises

✅ Getting leads for marketing agencies

✅ Getting leads for local biz

✅ Affiliate marketing

✅ Course creation

✅ Getting clients

✅ Self-image

✅ Martial arts

We’ll work closely with you to tailor it to your specific business, ensuring the messaging and strategy attract the right people.

You’ll review every step of the process, so everything feels 100% aligned with your brand and offer.

Is this investment really worth it?

Absolutely. Let’s break it down.

Getting just 2-3 high-ticket clients at $5,000 each from this funnel could cover the entire investment.

But beyond that, you’re getting a system that can run for years, consistently bringing in new clients and building your email list, the highest-value asset an online business can have.

If you were to do this yourself, you’d have to go through long months of trial and error, potentially burning through tens of thousands in ad spend, and even more on hiring and training people to handle the tech, and it still might not work.

Not to mention the lost time having to learn everything yourself - copywriting, ad strategy, funnel-building, tracking, optimization. By the time you get it right, you’ll spend more in time, energy, and money than this investment. You’ll get burned out.

With this program, all of that is taken care of. You get a proven framework backed by over $17 million in ad spend, and we handle the entire build and testing for you.

Plus, you’ll have 3 months of personal mentorship to make sure everything works like clockwork.

What happens after the 3 months of mentorship?

At the end of the 3 months, we’ll do a full review to make sure everything is running smoothly and set your strategy for the next quarter.

You’ll walk away with a clear plan on how to keep scaling.

If you want ongoing support, we offer continued mentorship options so you’re never left wondering what to do next.

What if I’ve never used GoHighLevel or run ads before?

No worries. We handle all the tech setup for you. We’ll also walk you through the essentials of using GoHighLevel - it’s user-friendly, and we’re here to make sure you feel confident.

You also get ongoing support from us through Zoom, Slack, and the private Facebook group for any questions that come up along the way.

Can I still reach out to you privately if I have confidential questions?

Of course you can! You can shoot me a message anytime. I monitor our community 5 days a week and will typically get back to you in 24h.

How confident are you that we won't have issues with Facebook ads and account bans?

I’ve been running ads on Facebook since 2016. I’ve run health, weight loss, skincare, fitness, hair loss, make money, mental health, pretty much everything you can imagine.

I worked directly with VIP ad account reps who work with advertisers spending millions of dollars a quarter.

I got to hang out with Meta employees at their office in Sydney, Australia. I gotta tell you, they have some really cool swag :)

I still have the same Facebook account since 2011, same business manager since 2016, and I never had my personal ad accounts shut down.

I know the Facebook Ads policy pretty well and I’m confident I can help you stay out of trouble.

If you got banned before - I’ll make sure you don’t get banned again.

What if I get stuck?

You won’t. I’ve been doing this since 2016, I’ve generated over $30 million in online sales from Meta and Google ads and I’ve spent over $17 million on ads. I’ve literally been in every possible situation you can imagine.

If you get stuck - you just reach out and let me know and I’ll tell you exactly how to get UNstuck.

Do I need to speak to anyone to join?

Yes, we accept a maximum of two clients per month for this program.

If you're interested, please apply using the link below, and we'll reach out to you.

🔗 Application Form Link.

What if I’m not tech-savvy?

No problem at all. We handle all the tech setup for you. From building the funnel to setting up tracking with Google Analytics and Meta Pixel - it’s all taken care of. You won’t need to lift a finger.

If you want to learn the basics, we can walk you through the essentials, but the goal is to make this as hands-off as possible for you. You focus on your business, and we handle the rest.

What if I don’t have a big audience?

You don’t need one. This funnel is designed to work with cold traffic, meaning we attract people who’ve never heard of you before through paid ads.

You don’t need an existing audience or a big email list. The strategy is built to target the right prospects, so you can start generating leads and clients even if you’re starting from scratch.

If you have an audience - wonderful, we’ll help you leverage it too.

How can I be sure this funnel will attract the right clients?

The entire funnel is designed to bring in high-quality, high-intent leads. By using a mini-course as the entry point, you’re filtering out the tire kickers and attracting prospects who are already committed and interested in what you have to offer.

This isn’t about just filling your email list with random people - it’s about getting serious buyers who are ready to invest.

Can I see an example of a funnel you’ve built?

Sure, check out our own funnels here:

🔗 https://standoutcourses.com/ccs

🔗 https://standoutcoursesthatsell.com/scts

We’ve had 1,600+ front-end buyers at this point for these 2 offers.

What if I’ve been burned by marketing services before?

I get it - it’s hard to trust again after a bad experience.

But here’s the difference - this system is based on real-world results.

We’ve managed over $17 million in ad spend for clients and used $100K+ of our own money perfecting this strategy.

We’ve sold millions of dollars in high-ticket offers, and we bring all that experience to your funnel.

On top of that, I provide 3 months of personal mentorship to make sure everything works as it should. You won’t be left in the dark - you’ll have ongoing support every step of the way.

You can see our case studies here:

🔗 How We Acquired 23,743 Customers And Drove $409,693.83 In Profit (Not Revenue) In Just 42 Days

🔗 This $13.97 Funnel Is Bringing In $20,000 - $30,000/Month In Profit

What exactly do you do FOR me and WITH me?

What We Do FOR You:
Build and design your entire mini-course funnel using our high-converting template

Write all your copy: long-form sales page, upsell pages, thank you page, Facebook ads, email sequences

✅ Design all images, mockups, and diagrams for your funnel to give it a premium feel

Design Facebook image ads for rapid testing and optimization

Set up tracking: Google Analytics 4, Meta Pixel, and Conversions API for precise data tracking

Build your funnel in a GoHighLevel sub-account we create for you

Metrics reviews (once a month) from me and my marketing team throughout the 3-month period

A Google Doc with optimization suggestions for your funnel from me and my team (once a month)

What We Do WITH You

Kickoff Call: A 60-minute session to get clear on your goals, map out your mini-course funnel, and validate the offer together

Collaborate on offer creation: We’ll nail down your core offer, map out the course structure, and identify key bonuses to address potential objections

Review funnel steps with you: You review each step of the funnel to ensure it aligns with your brand and vision before launch

Live 1:1 ads launch call: We launch your ads together, with step-by-step guidance to ensure everything is set up correctly

Ongoing Zoom calls: Regular reviews of ad performance at 1 week, 2 weeks, 4 weeks, and 8 weeks after launch, plus monthly metrics reviews

Private Slack channel: Instant communication for feedback and support, Monday to Friday

Access to a private Facebook group for clients only, and two weekly calls (Wednesdays at 7pm EST and Thursdays at 12:30pm Sydney time) to stay on track

Final review and next-quarter strategy session: At the end of the 3 months, we set your strategy for continued scaling

Disclaimer: We can not and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, tools, or strategies. You should know that all products and services by our company are for educational and informational purposes only. Nothing on this page, any of our websites, or any of our content or curriculum is a promise or guarantee of results or future earnings, and we do not offer any legal, medical, tax or other professional advice. Any financial numbers referenced here, or on any of our sites, are illustrative of concepts only and should not be considered average earnings, exact earnings, or promises for actual or future performance. Use caution and always consult your accountant, lawyer or professional advisor before acting on this or any information related to a lifestyle change or your business or finances. You alone are responsible and accountable for your decisions, actions and results in life, and by your registration here you agree not to attempt to hold us liable for your decisions, actions or results, at any time, under any circumstance.